11 years of U10 + performance “I feel sad to throw away a ripped cloud” by Dunja Ćorlomanović
On Saturday, May 13, at 8 p.m., we will gather to mark the eleventh year since U10 Art Space has been founded. This year, in the gloomy light of the recent tragic events, we are unable to call this anniversary a birthday. Still, we invite you to come together in the space we are sharing with you so that we can endorse feelings, stay silent or talk. We want to believe that with art a better world can be envisioned, and that with mutual understanding and empathy we have the capacity to realize it.
On this occasion, the artist Dunja Ćorlomanović will perform a participatory performance “I feel sad to throw away a ripped cloud” in which she invites visitors to join her one by one on the pillow, to spend as much time there as they want, and to trust her with whatever they want.