
Auto-sculpture (auto – as in motor vehicle and as a relationship with oneself) is a term that I used to name various objects that residents place in front of their homes located outside zoned city parking areas in order to occupy a part of public space for private use – to park their vehicles. Altogether, these objects assembly an illegal army of artefacts that possess a special ad-hoc aesthetics and symbolic poetics, serving a purpose different from their initial, and therefore being programmatically recycled.
The project is based on the photo book of the same name (the dummy book is attached as visual documentation) which contains the photos of 100 auto-sculptures, which I came across during walks in various parts of Belgrade. The selection consists only of objects whose original purpose was not to occupy a parking space (bricks, crates, sticks, branches, boxes, secondary raw materials, etc.) and which were arranged/selected specifically for this purpose and for temporary use.
Photos. Milan Kralj