Contemporaneity and Crisis – Contemporary art from Austria and Serbia

The joint exhibition“Contemporaneity and Crisis – contemporary art from Austria and Serbia”, curated by Branislav Mihajlović and Dietmar Unterkofler, shows current artistic positions from Austria and Serbia. It focuses on posing questions about the immediate reality of its respective environments (political, social and aesthetic) and reflects on them in artistic terms. The selection of the exhibited works aims to encourage discourse on the conditions of contemporary art in different cultural contexts. In this way critical opinions on the challenges of creating art in a time of artistic crisis are given voice.
Various positions are shown through the works of the following artists: Dušan Rajić, Goran Micevski, Hannes Zebedin, IEFS kolektiv (Ursula Kiesling, Maki Stolberg), Ivan Šuletić, Kairus kolektiv (Andreas Zingerl, Linda Kronman), Maja Đorđević, Maria Anwander, Olivier Hölzl and Saša Tkačenko. The works show sketches of concrete strategies, ambivalences and the limits of an emancipatory art practice situated in the interplay of participation, criticism and crisis.
Through this exhibition project, the Austrian Cultural Forum in Belgrade continues its intensive cooperation with Serbia’s cultural institutions within the framework of the project “The Year of Culture 2015, Austria–Serbia”.
Photo: N. Ivanović