Damaged Models

The ratio between reality and representation seems blurry. Reality and representation are overlaying each other in many different layers and create a crust that is encapsulating our actions and our thinking. The visions of the future that appear in graphic visualizations seem to consist more of their aesthetic value than of the content they are dealing with. They are the landscapes and manuals of human activity.
Architecture models are stacked up in the junk container of the university and by that create a new model of a not realized utopia. The video “Tallaght” by Anna Fiedler and Lilli Kuschel shows kids and adolescents transporting entire interiors through the streets of Dublin to public places. They are stacked together to temporary sculptures that finally burn and the light fully disappears.
The business schemes of international trade with its ramified money and commodity cycles change in times of state crisis when connections to international financial structures can be partially interrupted. The behaviour of transnational companies, when facing economic states of exception, influences the functioning of basic sectors such as bilateral trade relations and currency values until the alimentary behaviour of entire populations. Victor Briestensky takes the business scheme of a big food chain during the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 as a starting point for his shown work.
Dual-use technologies are independent of their political-economic effect – a model that is capable to connect different social areas based on objects. If a military as well as a civil function is inherent to an object, tensions between these objects can appear that may create a mythological value. They could be understood as cultural objects. The different narrations they induce build a starting point of Fabian Bechtles work “The Maximum Force of the Future” that has been partially filmed by an intelligent vacuum cleaner.
The relation between the civil and the military can also be seen when analysing the design of police uniforms. The civil aspect of the uniform can be understood as a stealth concept or could as well be an expression of police strategy. The tactical proportion between intervention and observation that should also be transmitted by the uniform is set each time differently. The fabric of the uniforms is a pattern of a social configuration as well as a self-representation of a state. Eric Winkler shows his work “Neue Uniformen” that gives the possibility to imagine a different type of uniform.
In Vincent Grunwald’s project “Isolated” he is using models and material samples that are used by building companies on building and hardware fairs. The application of chemically produced insolation materials is related to a paradigm change in energy politics while indicating an architectural issue. Through the posterior installation of an insolation layer, the houses are expanding in space. The insolation, that is supposed to diminish the temperature exchange between the outside and the inside space has also influenced other spheres. Not only the warming energy, also sound waves or radiation are getting cushioned in their movements.
Text: Vincent Grunwald, Noveber 2015