PODIUM: Deliverance

The fourth in a series of exhibitions that will take place within the Podium is called Deliverance.What is heritage today? What are the things hardest to let go of? Do our contemporaries and objects
become the only heritage we have.
Material, palpable, rich with words and emotions so that it can grow into a single
heritage that we would fight for. We live with objects that we have burdened with the need
to have the title of heritage.
It is almost as if we can not free ourselves from the imaginary narrative formed around
things and people.
We are inviting you to participate in an installation, from the authors Artinjan Artinović and Kristina Armuš, in the U10 Art space, on Wednesday, the 7th of September at 7 pm.
Collective deliverance is the carrying narrative of this project, so come and leave an object/poem/book/photograph/painting in the space, anything that is getting hard to live with. You can leave your object in the space for the entire duration of the exhibition.
The only condition is that after you leave your burden with us, you can never think of it again.
See you.
‘I can not get rid of the upbringing.
My enemies are inherited
I had heard about dying
before I ever became aware of life.
I’m dragged into old quarrels
And now I have no choice.
I can not seek or give forgiveness.
So simple, to create a lonely person.’
Marko Tomaš
From the 12th of July to the 2nd of October in the U10 Art Space there will be a new project to support the young contemporary art scene. The initiative is called Podium, and this year it will be led by five art historians: Jovana Trifuljesko, Nevena Bogojević, Kristina Armuš, Bojana Jovanović, and Stefan Ralević.
Photo: Artinjan Artinović