PODIUM: My Flesh Is Afraid but I Am Not

The art space will be adapted to the interior of the church for the purposes of this exhibition, and the artist will play the role of a DJ at the opening, and the audience will have the opportunity to experience another aspect of Sofia’s artistic practice in addition to the works of visual art.
In her works, Sorokina combines the seemingly incompatible and thereby builds her own cathedral and creates a new world. The artist often creates works that require a long and exhausting process , which she sees as a kind of personal exorcism. The exhibition draws the viewer into a world of constant balance of polarities: life and death, freedom and fear, religion and universe, tradition and contemporary times, reality and dreaming, body and soul, finitude and eternity, love and hate, hope and meaninglessness, creation and destruction, aggression and healing, forgetting and remembrance, God and man.
From the 12th of July to the 2nd of October in the U10 Art Space there will be a new project to support the young contemporary art scene. The initiative is called Podium, and this year it will be led by five art historians: Jovana Trifuljesko, Nevena Bogojević, Kristina Armuš, Bojana Jovanović, and Stefan Ralević.
Photo: N. Ivanović