(Para)Matters of Perception

The exhibition (Para)Matters of Perception takes artistic practices of the seven artists, the exhibition participants, as individual systems of traces that create a single path: a unique conceptual tendency. Each element in its individuality represents the toponym crucial for mapping the identity of the collective prospect. The manifold constructed by seven different artistic prospects (organized as: fourfold + threefold) marks the transformation of non-intentional traces or minimally intentional traces into indexes by stabilizing the formations of indexical entities through the process of their constant actualization.
Constant process of stabilization is transformed into indexical entities only if it is based on a framework or ramification that is focused on conceptualization of consciousness. Here, consciousness is viewed as a state of matter, or perceptronium as it is marked on some recent investigation about phenomenon of consciousness. Consciousness as a state of matter then becomes a material surrounding which produces a trace based on a perception created out of a network of random associations in the endlessly simultaneous field. A trace becomes an indicator of social architectonics of the brain which perpetually simulates an idea.
On the other hand, consciousness as a state of matter, which contains successive variations ‘within’ and ‘of’ the social architectonic of the brain, is considered as articulation of speculative and intentional trace which transforms it-self through marked process into indexical entity. Traces within the social architectonics of the brain is always transformed into index. Within net(work-ing) index is transformed into indexical entity.
At this place, self-conception is conditioned by the transformations of the pre-constructed and usually periphrastic individuality accepted as a concept into conceptual ramification of entity, or indexical entity. Self-conceptions is here jointed into two larger groups articulated through communication process between these instances: 4-fold and 3-fold. These groups, considered as prospects, have been constructed under the hypothesis about inputs and outputs which defines feedback between self-conception and self-articulation. Hypothesis rooted in the installing of ruptures within a conceptual framework.
At the end, ideological sphere have to be described as history of ideas, described as continual process, always articulated as joint of tendencies or singular artistic practices. Transformational processes which define relationships between self-conception end self-articulation are here described within the manifold conceptualized as prospect. In that manner, we experimenting in the field of visual arts according to one aim: to try to reach a more complex method for reading a vast cultural practices through different layers or sense data. Approach of speculative knowledge is usually to extend intense and engrained meanings within a sense data of human brain.
Text: Velimir Popović
Photo: Nina Ivanović, Nemanja Nikolić