Podium program July 28 – August 9

- Friday, July 28 at 19.00
Guided tour through the exhibition CHANGING PERSPECTIVES (UNTIL WE LIKE THEM) by the group fiftEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEn and Artist talk in English.
- Saturday and Sunday, July 29 and 30, from 12.30 to 18.00
Workshop in stone sculpting with Miro Benaković – MIRO.
Everyone that’s interested may apply by Friday, July 28, 2023, at 11.59 pm via the following email address: drustvoudruzeneodgovornosti@gmail.com.
Miro Benaković is a welder by his “first” profession, a crane operator by his “second”, and a senior stone and ceramics preparator at the Museum of Slavonia in Osijek by his “third” profession. He made his first sculpture in the fifth grade of elementary school, the torso of a partisan. He creates sculptures from stone, brick, clay, and glass. He collects wooden pipes, is not a fan of the internet, but deeply loves animals. When he sees a bug lying on its back, he turns it over, so it can continue walking. Through his artworks, he portrays situations, conditions, and relationships as they occur in the everyday life of an average inhabitant of the planet.
From July 29th to 30th, at U10 Art Space, Miro will be conducting a stone sculpture workshop. Miro collects stones that he finds appealing on beaches, by the sea, or along the banks of the Drava River. Later, he carves various faces and figures into the stones, giving them life.
Workshop participants are welcome to bring their own stone of choice to work with. It is preferable if it’s a type that can be processed more easily, such as marble, limestone, or brick.
- August 2 to 9, 2023
A CREATURE IS CREATED TO CREATE, an exhibition of autodidact painters
Wednesday, August 2 at 19.00, opening of the exhibition
An autodidact does not learn for others. An autodidact is devoted and courageous. An autodidact learns in his spare time. An autodidact is aware.
Creativity is a cure, it is an exchange and leisure. We are all good at creating. Not creating is destruction.
I am not afraid, I am not lazy.Artists: Ana Janaćković, Dragana Jelača, Dragoslava Stanković, Goran Tasić, Jasmina MIlošević, Laslo Retek, Marina Petrović, Predrag Milovanović, Šandor Stefanović, Slaviša Marković, Sonja Olah Milović, Tinde Nenadov, Valentina Jevtić Mitranić, Danja Doroški, Draga Mrvoš Mott, Filip Jovanović, Ljiljana Jerinić, Ljiljana Stanimirović, Marija Stojanović, Marija Veličković, Miloš Milošević, Nada Pilipović, Svetlana Moritz, Žarko Đukić.
- Friday, August 4 and 25, from 21.00 to 24.00
Everyone interested may send their video, with a maximum duration of 15 minutes, to the email drustvoudruzenedogbornosti@gmail.com no later than Monday, July 31 at 11.59, with the subject “Movie night at Zvezda”.
We invite all interested authors from Serbia to submit their video works to be shown at New Cinema Zvezda. The collective “Society of joint possibility / d.u.o.” has established connections through such a format in previous projects and got to know various authors in the field of experimental film and video art, who are less known to the public and who do not often have the opportunity to present themselves and their work to the public.
The program consists of showing all video contributions in continuity, one after another, without interruption. The duration of the program is determined by the number of entries submitted, which are not subject to any selection process. All submitted video works will be shown, except those that affirm inequality or discrimination. The goal of the program is to offer a space for the broadcasting of various video materials, from documentary format to experimental, artistic or archival format. In this way, the members of the Society of joint possibility / d.u.o. will get to know each other better and the audience will also become a participant in the project.
- Saturday, August 5, from 21.00 to 24.00
Kino Club Helsinki is an artistic collective from Finland that curates and organizes thematic film programs, and also does video production. Kino Club has organized and screened more than 300 independent art films and video works, in addition to hosting more than 30 thematic, non-profit events.
The exhibition entitled “Expanded Cinema” (Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki, 2020) was the first large-scale group exhibition curated by the group. In the same year, 2020, through an experimental, remote collaboration, the collective worked with nine different artists from all over the world to produce and realize its first film, called “Exquisite Futures”.
At the invitation of d.u.o., Kino club made a selection of 12 works, video formats, on the topic of sexuality, nyctophilia, extended cinema and poetry karaoke.