
PISTA was a micro-project that ran for a year (2014/2015), online – in the form of a blog engaging with an Internet audience, as well as inside U10 Art Space in the form of a platform for communication and exchange, engaging both with gallery visitors and interested actors of the art field in Serbia. PISTA tried to offer an answer to the specific needs of the fragmented and heterogeneous local art field, which lacks forums for group discussion and education on contemporary art topics. Important figures of the art field in Serbia were invited to place three books
which they consider important for art today in U10, and also to give an interview for the PISTA blog and answer questions related to current topics in the local art field. The guests and their book selections changed monthly where at the end of each month guests would meet with art historians and theoreticans, curators, artists and others to talk about books and discuss issues of contemporary art and activism. In March 2015 one of the guests used PISTA to open wider critical debate and gathered over 80 diverse actors from the fields of visual art, performance arts and social activism. PISTA blog was viewed more than 6000 times by 3000 visitors, and still receives regular visits.
PISTA was initiated by two curators – Jelena Vojvodić and Kristina Grebenar, and was joined, frequented and further moderated by Miloš Zec, Simona Ognjanović, Stevan Vuković, Dušica Popović, Mića Karić, Milica Vojvoda Ivić, Marijana Stojčić, Nenad Porobić, Senka Latinović, Anica Vučetić and many others. Support: Lidija Delić, Nina Ivanović, U10.
Photo: Srđan Veljović