Beyond Escape

The exhibition “Beyond Escape” is the first joint exhibition of seven artists, the founders of U10 Art Space, held in Sarajevo on two occasions. The first time was by invitation from the art space Public Room and the other at the International Festival Sarajevo Winter.
The exhibition itself presents the possibility of reading units that form private works. The concept of the exhibition wasn’t developed in response to a pre-determined topic, rather it was derived from the analysis of these works and the relationships established between them. As such, the artist collective U10 does not function as an artistic group but rather as individuals, with their own interests and sensibilities. The constant quest for the concrete, as opposed to conciliation with the apparent solution, can be understood as a reflection of the tendency of these artists towards proactivity and their work outside of art that is related in the Art Space U10. Beyond escaping, working on overcoming the tendency to go down the path of least resistance is not a condition that takes place in one field of operation of an individual or group. This is a condition that must be reflected in all areas of its operations. It is important to add that the process of searching and questioning does not necessarily lead to a final solution, but only formulates questions, represents progress and opens up the possibility for new artistic research. The exhibition “Beyond Escape” of seven artists, members of the collective U10, for the first time together go beyond the limits of the local environment and also announce the continuation of further joint art projects.
From the text of Kristina Grebenar