Heart Notes

Fragrances in the form of perfumes are not only an expression of individual taste and self-image, but also something more – a perceivable border to the environment around us. Spraying as a sensual act of body extension. An instable extension which claims its space. The performance follows the question of borderline experiences and starts from where we face those on a daily basis: the border of our own body. How stable or instable are these borders? How to set and maintain those lines and what happens if one crosses the borders of others?
Two odoriferous (fragrance wearing) performers compose one common heart note by simultaneously approaching and veering away from each other. Heart notes are yon central notes of fragrance, which are based between the head and base note of a perfume. Light notes will encounter heavy notes, fleeting ones will be smashed by persistent ones. Couples in all possible combinations of gender and age will claim and embrace olfactory spaces and places belonging to daily life, drawing arbitrary borders between bodies and space by composing their common heart notes at places where people inevitably meet: in elevators, tramways, supermarkets, shopping malls or at the theatre.
Performance artists: Anna Karina Brosch, Alexandru Cosarca, Miloš Janjić, Neda Lukić and Marko Milić
In his solo-performance HEART NOTES solo, Sebastiano Sing will place himself in the gallery, sitting on a stool and constantly spray an entire bottle of Calvin Klein one (a unisex perfume) on his body. It is an act of beauty that turns into self-torture through the choreography and duration of the performance.
Photo: Boris Burić